Who is AI WORM?

It is both an alias and a reference to AI WORM LLC. I use it interchangeably because I created the name after my initials and adopted that as my online persona. After a few years I created an LLC with that name. As far as you should be aware, I haven't done anything with that company other creating a bank account for it and buying domains to go with it. Apart from that, it just loses me money.

Anyway, the AI WORM LLC simply owns the domain, while the owner by the alias AI WORM is the one manages said website. On the other hand, a GitHub Organization called Allinventor is the one who "owns" the repository/content. Which is than managed by AI WORM.

Allinventor is another project I'm working on, and its primary purpose is to act as middle man to ensure certain rights are kept in check. In this case it acts as layer of defense for multiple purposes which I will not describe.

As such, I am but an individual who seeks to create and distribute various products, ideas and anything else I decided to down the line.

The Author

For this website I am what one would call the "main" author of the content that is published in this website. As such I allow anyone with access to this site to freely view said content and use it should they need it, with proper responsibility and kindness. I use some AI-Generated Images in my posts, but I also create some of images, logos or design. Please be mindful and understanding.

I am also a writer, yet to be official author, who is writing his own books/stories in other areas. If such things are mention in this site, I will more than likely include links to said objects. Though I will be keeping the content to this site related to Demos of various subjects, mostly web-based software or knowledge. But may dab into how to create a proper Book Cover or Works Cited page if I feel like it.

What To Call Me By

You can simply refer to me as "the author", just "author", "worm". "otto", "ai worm" or even "humanoid" if you so wish.

As stated, AI WORM was created because my initials spell out WORM.

With this information, various people of different ages might recognize me. If you do, please do not use my real name. Or I will send a digital email with a video of you getting nuked. Should I succeed in finding one online or somehow managing to create one via Blender. Not a threat. Just hardcore disappointment. If you know my name you automatically agree to these terms.

Also... I doubt those who do know would even remember, and if they do... whats the chance they find this site without me talking about it? If you do, just send me the link to this page with "👀" <--- That emoji. And I will know and crawl underneath my bed.

My Goal

As stated before in other areas of this site, my goal is to create a list of "demos" about things I wish to refer back to, or things I feel like people should know about.

It's not a personal blog or portfolio as I have plans to create a different one with the various domains I have and make it look a little more professional if you will.

Also, I hope to practice my communication/typing skills. I tend to write as I speak, sprinkled with bad grammar and spelling. As such, I hope to figure out a way to include something like Grammarly in this software. Just a very unlikely dream.

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